Supported by:

Exeter City Arts Council

Sure Start Exeter

 Lucy Tyler Rose and Fran Rose joint piece after Rauschenberg.

 Donations from:

As yet we have recieved no donations other than the contribution of an Arts Grant made by Exeter Arts Council. 

If you have any art and craft products that are no longer required please call 07796277191 or email Art Start

Any donations will be eagerly accepted. If you are a buisness that has shop damaged products that are un-saleable please consider passing them on to Art Start and the benefit of many.  We are in need of paper, card, collage materials, clay, pens, paints, pastels, crayons, charcoal, glue, sticky tape, and much much more as well as art prints and posters.  The more donations and support received the more Art Start will be able to reach.

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