Paintings by Alfred Wallis 1855-1942 Fisherman off the SouthWest coast for the majority of his life, only took up painting after retirement and the sad lose of his wife.  Living in St Ives he painted what he knew, this simplistic almost niave style of painting captured the interest of local artists including C.Wood and B. Nicholson.
 L.S.Lowry  1887-1976  Lowry focused the majority of his work around the harsh working life of the north of England.  His paintings often depict factory scenes, people on their way to or from work, football matches, parade and celebrations. 

 Chris Ofili 1968-p

Chris Ofili likes to explore his ancesoral roots and their relationship with africain art.  He does not solely create his works with paint but incorporates many things into the art piece - even elephant poo!!

 David Hockney  1937-p


W Kandisnsky

Believed that each colour, shape and style of line had a different sound.  Kandinsky combined his passion for music alongside his painting to create trully vibrant and loud paintings.

 Guiseppe Arcimboldo

Arcimboldo is famous for his grotesque paintings - grotesque means an image made out of somwthing else.  Here are examples of his portraits that were created by painting picse of fruit and vegetables to represent shapes and parts of the face.

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